Ambiente 2023 – Future of Work Academy – Impressions
Future of Work Academy– The Future of Work Academy innovation area in Hall 3.1, conceived by Messe Frankfurt together with Matter - Büro für Architektur und Städtebau and World-Architects, was a special trade fair highlight for planners from the fields of architecture, interior design, office planning and facility management at the Ambiente trade fair from 3 to 7 February 2023. Here, after almost three years with the pandemic, planning experts took a well-founded look at the new conflicting priorities between the physical office, the home office and the different forms of collaboration. On Saturday, 4 February and Sunday, 5 February 2023, visitors received valuable first-hand inspiration about current developments in office planning during the expert lectures given by eight nationally and internationally renowned architects. After each block of lectures, they had the opportunity to find concrete answers from the office industry during a World-Architects Guided Tour in the innovation area and to selected exhibitors.
- Claudia and Klaus de Winder: "The drivers of the future in terms of working are the new functions that the office must fulfil to remain livable."
- Christina Dreesen: "The workplace is fundamentally a social experience, as well as an important learning environment and a cultural sphere of life."
- Claudia und Klaus de Winder: „Treiber der Zukunft beim Thema Arbeiten sind die neuen Funktionen, die das Büro erfüllen muss, um lebbar zu bleiben.”
- Christina Dreesen: „Der Arbeitsplatz ist fundamental eine soziale Erfahrung, dazu noch eine wichtige Lernumgebung und ein kultureller Lebensbereich.”
04. February 2023, Saturday | Talks
Talks „Future of Work“
- Location: Innovationsareal „Future of Work“, Hall 3.1 | booth B90
- 04. February, Saturday 10:30 – 17:00 Uhr
- Moderation: Thomas Geuder, Architekturjournalist

Peter Ippolito
- Ippolito Fleitz Group, Stuttgart |
- 4 February 2023, Saturday, 10:30 - 11:15
Working forward – Hard facts, soft skills
"The pandemic has reinvigorated our understanding of knowledge work, sparked discussions and highlighted opportunities. Today, working does not necessarily mean the office … and the office is not just a place of work, which, as we have learned, can be performed in many different places. Designing work environments today means engaging with processes to create changeable tools with strong identities that bring a company's values and purpose to life and put their users at the center." Peter Ippolito, Ippolito Fleitz Group
Peter Ippolito
Peter Ippolito founded the Ippolito Fleitz Group together with Gunter Fleitz in 2002. The interdisciplinary studio with offices in Stuttgart, Berlin and Shanghai always implements projects with multiple perspectives and combines the diverse skills and experience from the disciplines of (interior) architecture, communication and product design. The studio's projects have meanwhile won 400 national and international awards. In 2015, Peter Ippolito and Gunter Fleitz became the first German designers from the interior design field to be admitted to the 'Interior Design Hall of Fame'. In 2021, the iF Design Award listed the studio in its index as the world's number one in the interior design category.

Nina Delius
- schneider+schumacher, Frankfurt am Main |
- 4 February 2023, Saturday, 11:15 - 12:00
How do we actually work now?
"The workplace over time / The workplace over the last twenty years / Today's developments / How do we work? How do we want to work? / Who is we? Differences in working / What does this mean for buildings? / What do we need to work? Where is the journey taking us? / How will we build in the future, how will we work in the future? Do we have to rethink everything?" Nina Delius, schneider+schumacher
Nina Delius
1972 born in Siegen
1992 – 1999 Studies at the Siegen University of Applied Sciences
since 2001 registered architect with the Chamber of Architects, management / project architect
Professional experience:
1992 - 99 Working for the architectural office Delius + Partner, Siegen, Germany
2000 Working for the office of Peter Eisenman, New York
since 2001 Working for schneider+schumacher
since 2008 Member of the management board at schneider+schumacher Planungsgesellschaft mbH
2010 Training as a DGNB auditor
since 2021 Managing partner at schneider+schumacher Weiterbauen GmbH

Sophia Klees
- jack be nimble lighting | design | innovation, Berlin |
- 4 February 2023, Saturday, 13:00 - 13:45
new work needs new light // flexibility — office lighting 4.0
"The lecture 'New Work needs New Light // Flexibility … office lighting 4.0' is about the changes in our working environments and the new challenges they entail. What does this mean for lighting? In what way has it changed? How can and must lighting respond in the future?" Sophia Klees, jack be nimble lighting
Sophia Klees
After graduating in lighting design, Sophia Klees worked as a lighting designer and design thinking coach in London, Graz and Berlin. In 2012, she founded the lighting design office jack be nimble together with three partners. As creative head, she is responsible for both concepts and the planning. Sophia Klees is in charge of design, takes over project management and is responsible for the overall success. She coordinates the delivery of the office's services and the resourcing of the project team. Sophia Klees attends client presentations and essential meetings of the design team.

Klaus Klaas Loenhart
- STUDIO TERRAIN, München/Graz |
- 4 February 2023, Saturday, 13:45 - 14:30
Why we teach buildings to breathe
"In the Grüne Erde Breathing Headquarters, large-scale 'climatic and atmospheric ecosystem performance' is applied for the first time for the climate, ventilation and cooling concept. Extensive air-conditioning technology is replaced by forest and plant communities that unfold their climatic and atmospheric 'plant performance' in 13 patios. This is because the plant communities create a microclimate, provide natural, lively light and supply the entire indoor air with fresh oxygen. While wood as a building material plays a central role as a renewable resource, this approach is supported by the almost complete replacement (98%) of petroleum-based building products. Employees and guests reward this tangible natural atmosphere with a sense of well-being and great appreciation for the working environment." Klaus Klaas Loenhart, STUDIO TERRAIN
Klaus Klaas Loenhart
Klaus Klaas Loenhart is passionate eco-innovator, founder of terrain: integral designs, and Professor at ia&l Landlab TU Graz, Austria. As a multidisciplinarian, he and his teams are envisioning nature-inspired and impact-focused design solutions for reconnecting urban society with our living world through design-innovation. Klaus considers urban agglomerations to be a living biome. His systemic and passionate mission for an integral and eco-based societal practice was established during his multidisciplinary studies at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, at the Harvard Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts and while working at Herzog & de Meuron, in Basel, Switzerland. Current projects, conducted by his studio terrain: integral designs and his LANDLAB at the ia&l - Institute for Architecture and Landscape, aim for transformative co-creation between ecological agents and human endeavors to inform the fields of human health, biodiversity, and social urban practices in times of changing climates. Here, design innovation, landscape performance, ecological systems and social practice meet to partner within our living urban environments — as the integral part of our societal ambitions… As proof of the concept ‘imagining cities that grow air,’ he and his team.breathe. austria implemented the Austrian Pavilion at the 2015 EXPO World Fair in Milan—a natural/techno-logical hybrid, whose ecological and atmospheric performance takes center stage—and were recently awarded the UNESCO City of Design Award – Grand Award. As proof of the concept he and his team.breathe.austria implemented the Austrian Pavilion at the 2015 EXPO World Fair in Milan—a natural/technological hybrid, whose ecological and atmospheric performance takes center stage—and were recently awarded the UNESCO City of Design Award – Grand Award.
05. Februar 2023, Sunday | Talks
Talks „Future of Work“
- Location: Future of Work innovation area, Hall 3.1 | booth B90
- Sunday, 5 February, 10:30 – 17:00
- Presentation: Thomas Geuder, architecture journalist

Prof. Tina Kammer
- InteriorPark., Stuttgart |
- 5 February 2023, Sunday, 10:30 - 11:15
Now or never! From problem child to prodigy
"What are the opportunities for the building industry in the face of the climate crisis? How can the status quo be transferred into future-oriented business models and projects? Current developments are highlighted from different perspectives and new food for thought is given." Prof. Tina Kammer, InteriorPark
Tina Kammer
Tina Kammer has been following developments on the topic of sustainability for more than 30 years. Having worked for many years as a trained cabinetmaker, she has acquired a profound understanding of constructions and material processing. After her studies, she realized international projects for the architectural firm Jestico + Whiles in London. Back in Germany, she focused on brand architecture and worked for companies such as BMW, MINI and IBM worldwide. As project manager for HUGO BOSS AG, she developed international retail concepts. Together with Andrea Herold, she founded InteriorPark in 2010. Specializing in sustainability, they work for architectural firms as external specialist planners and drive current developments forward at various levels. As consultants, they develop and accompany sustainability strategies for companies and prepare sustainability reports according to international GRI standards. Since 2022, she has been setting up the Sustainable Building department at the IU International University of Applied Sciences as a professor of architecture.

Klaus de Winder
- de Winder Architekten, Berlin |
- 5 February, Sunday 11:15 - 12:00
What if — Attempting an expedition into the crystal ball
"A lot has been said in recent years about our future society, its forms of work and the places where people come together and act. We, too, are constantly confronted with questions about the future of the office and about how we will work one day. The answer is quite simple — we don't know either! Nevertheless, we dare to take a look, not ahead INTO the future, but back FROM the future, and embark on a journey with an uncertain outcome. With a view out of the crystal ball, we want to reflect on developments the other way round and find answers." Klaus de Winder, de Winder Architekten
Klaus de Winder
Dipl. Ing. Architekt (Berlin Chamber of Architects), born in Nordhorn, has worked as a freelance architect since 1991. His involvement in the founding of the architecture department at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences as well as teaching experience at the TU Berlin, the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences and the University of Nova Scotia in Halifax are among his references, as are the implemented projects Technologiehof Münster at the Bolles + Wilson office in Münster and the multiple award-winning Photonik for sauerbruch hutton architekten. Since 1999, he has been working with architect Claudia de Winder in their own office in Berlin-Kreuzberg with a focus on office design for renowned companies in the new economy, law firms and the consulting industry.

Hans Schneider
- J. MAYER H. und Partner, Architekten mbB, Berlin |
- 5 February 2023, Sunday, 13:00 - 13:45
Working in the city and in the countryside — Tomorrow's working worlds
"In the post-Corona era, working worlds have to adapt more than ever to the processes of change in our society and open up dynamically to a wide variety of scenarios. Hans Schneider, partner of the Berlin-based architecture firm J.MAYER.H, uses current examples in Berlin and in Upper Palatinate to show what new working worlds can look like in the city and in the countryside." Hans Schneider, J. MAYER H. und Partner

Monika Lepel
- LEPEL & LEPEL Architekt Innenarchitektin, Köln |
- 5 February 2023, Sunday, 13:45 - 14:30
Hospitality Office
"Dear companies, become a magnet again, a home port for your crew! Take care of a supportive communication and working environment with the utmost hospitality and professionalism! Become a workshop that offers the best tools for the heroes of work!" Monika Lepel, LEPEL & LEPEL Architekt Innenarchitektin
Monika Lepel
Monika Lepel and her husband Reinhard Lepel have been running the renowned architecture and interior design firm LEPEL & LEPEL in Cologne since 1994. Together they plan visionary buildings for internationally active companies such as Microsoft, Google or GIZ.
After her studies at the Peter Behrens School of Architecture (PBSA) in Düsseldorf and the international summer academy in Salzburg, she worked as an interior designer at KSP Cologne. From 1992 to 1996, she taught fundamentals of design at the PBSA in Düsseldorf.
The central themes of her work as an interior designer are the office of the future, sustainable interior fit-out and the healthy balance between closeness and distance in space, which she regularly communicates as a speaker in lectures, seminars and workshops. In the Domestika online course Fundamentals of Interior Design: Planning Creative Workspaces, she shares her specific knowledge as a workspace specialist.
In 2020, Monika Lepel — with her design of the sacred space of the Luther Church in Düsseldorf — was one of eight (interior) architects selected to be part of the exhibition Frau Architekt. Seit über 100 Jahren: Frauen im Architekturberuf at the Haus der Architekten in Düsseldorf. Other highlight projects were awarded the Red Dot Award, IF Award, Iconic Award and the German Brand Award.
Guided Tours
- Guided Tours in the Future of Work innovation area and to selected exhibitors: Botanium | Fujita Kinzoku | Lambert | König + Neurath | Vario | Country Living | Beaktor | Recozy | Vluv
- Feedback and requests
- Peter Petz | [email protected]
- Messe Frankfurt GmbH
- Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
- DE-60327 Frankfurt am Main