Light+Building & Luminale 2018 - Frankfurt am Main – Impressions
Light+Building Impressions 2018

#01 Talk + Tour : Ulrike Brandi "Two Concert Halls and a Castle"
- Ulrike Brandi Licht, Hamburg |
- "We are the lucky lighting designers working for two concert halls opening in 2017 and 2018. In both cases music and light fills a generous space complementing one another. Both are dedicated to stop the visitors for a while and to enjoy real life music moments. But both concert halls are different: their architecture, their functionality, their occupants and visitors, the surrounding buildings. I explain the general lighting concepts and some of the details. The castle has its own reason to be shown: surprise!" Ulrike Brandi
Visited booths:
Bion | iGuzzini | Erco | Karman | Occhio | Vibia
Ulrike Brandi – Impressions
Ulrike Brandi | born 1957 in Bad Bevensen, Germany | 1976 – 1983 Study of Romanic languages and literature at the University of Hamburg | 1984 – 1988 Study of Industrial Design at Hochschule für bildende Künste, Diploma under Dieter Rams | 1987 Founding of the lighting design practice Ulrike Brandi Licht | 1996 Lighting Design and Luminaire Development in Hamburg | 2009 Transformation into a GmbH (limited company), sole managing director of the Munich branch | 2012 Director and founder of Brandi Institute for Light and Design.

#02 Talk + Tour : Thomas Mika "Changes, Trends, Strategies"
- Reflexion AG, Zurich |
- “Architectural lighting design after the great LED-driven, technological R-evolution: Which changes, which trends, which strategies have really asserted themselves and what can be expected in the future? How has the luminaire market changed vertically and laterally and what are the consequences for architectural lighting design? Against this background, what role do project-specific luminaires play for us as lighting designers, now and in the future? Theses and practical examples” Thomas Mika
Visited booths:
Artemide | Regent | Georg Bechter Licht | Zumtobel
Thomas Mika – Impressions
2014 Guest professor for Lighting Design at the Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences (DE) 2014 Board and Executive Member at Refexion AG, Zurich | 2014 Sale of Refexion AG to Amstein Walthert Holding Group 2001 Foundation of Refexion AG 1997 Education in Digital Light Simulation, San José (USA) 1995 Degree in Business Administration - Diploma in Economics at the University of Zurich 1992-1994 Various courses at the German Institute of Applied Lighting Technology (DIAL), Lüdenscheid (DE) 1991 Postgraduate courses in Lighting Technology and Photometry at the Technical University of Berlin (DE) 1988-1995 Business Administration studies at the University of Zurich. Deepening on the areas of Marketing, Human Resources, Strategy and Trade.

#03 Guided Tour : Carla Wilkins "Design Intelligence"
- Lichtvision Design, Berlin |
- "Following the current headlines of smart lighting and human centric lighting the tour questions the impact seen from a design perspective. Keep it simple. We all love to create the holistic solution. It is needed to find our own position in the transformation during the ongoing digitalization. A wide range of lighting tools are connected to a network of data and support the quality of life. The tour will be an alluring treasure hunt on our way through the fairground, checking out improvements of our toolbox to provide the best design intelligence." Carla Wilkins
Visited booths:
Carl Stahl | Penta | Lucifer Lighting | NERI | Technilum | Xicato | Reggiani | Bega | Cordula Kafka | FontanaArte | Zumtobel
Carla Wilkins – Impressions
Based in Berlin – a modern gateway between Eastern and Western Europe – Carla Wilkins has over twenty five years professional experience as an independent Architectural Lighting Designer. In 1997 Ms. Wilkins was one of the founding partners of Lichtvision where she continues working to expand the traditional boundaries of lighting design to encompass all manner of visual experience. Over the years Ms. Wilkins has worked on a vast array of German and international projects including master planning, high rise buildings public memorials, art installations and both commercial and residential architecture in large scale format. The general approach keeping design themes through a project and declining the standard lighting tools from general to detail is her focus. If the project requires specific modification it is on her to massage the design and technical detail always referring to design to cost. Also she is experienced in customized luminaires from highly decorative up to technical luminaires, the philosophy is that it is important that the design defines a clear need to it. In Lichtvision she overviews the Concept and Design Department and provides the design synergies of all three Lichtvision offices Berlin, Hong Kong and London. Her work has been widely published and she frequently lectures on lighting design and related topics. Carla Wilkins has a degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in architecture and is an active Professional Member of International Lighting Designer's Association and Werkbund Berlin.

#04 Guided Tour : Wilfried Kramb "Frankfurter Selection"
- a·g Licht, Bonn |
- "The aim is to discover a small cross-section for the interested public during our joint tour. We will take a look at a product range developed specifically for LEDs, deal with coloured LEDs, also for effect lighting of façades, and finally look for, find and appraise some highlights on the tour. Have a good time." Wilfried Kramb
Visited booths:
iGuzzini | Artemide | Flos | Prolicht | Trilux | XAL | Erco | Traxon | Zumtobel
Wilfried Kramb – Impressions
Wilfried Kramb | born 25th of December 1961 | Interior Architecture, Wiesbaden, Germany Engineering Design Degree 1987 | 1987 - 1988 Electrical Engineering Office in Wiesbaden | 1988 - 1991 Interior Design work in Sydney, Australia | 1991 - 1992 Head of Department of Lighting Application in the ‘German Institute for applied lighting‘ (DIAL) in Lüdenscheid, Germany | 1992 - 1993 | Freelance Interior Designer Trianon Tower, Frankfurt | Teaching in the Interior Design Faculty of the Fachhochschule Wiesbaden ‚Lighting Design‘, FH Wiesbaden | 1994 - 1996 | Project Lighting Designer, ‘Lichtdesign‘,Cologne | February 1996 | Foundation of a•g Licht with Klaus Adolph | 1996 – 2011 about 200 realized national and international projects | 2012 Teaching at University of applied science in Wiesbaden for Lighting Design

#05 Guided Tour : Rafael Gallego "LEDs: Quality of light first!"
- "The technological revolution of LEDs Luminaries is completely established in our lives today. We have achieve high efficiency values, reduce size, long life and lower maintenance… Objective and quantifiable important aspects. sure! But we need light for more than vision. Light is a great evocative of emotions and generates our atmospheres affecting our mood (and even our health) To developed this important role, the Subjective aspects of light are essential. And these aspects are not aesthetics: glare free, RCI, light spectrum, colour temperature, dimming… are some of them. Objective and subjective aspects are like two sides of the same coin, but nowadays industry develops luminaries without respecting this balance, and has come the time to become aware and demand that we need the quality of light first!" Rafael Gallego
Visited booths:
Jung | Led Linear | iGuzzini | Flos | Erco | B.lux | Marset | Davide Groppi | Fluvia | Vibia
Rafael Gallego – Impressions
Principal of AUREOLIGHTING. He is also co-director of a Masters in Lighting Design at Instituto Europeo di Design (Madrid). In addition he regularly participates in national and international conferences, forums and lectures on lighting design. Rafael is a founding member of the APDI (Association of Lighting Designers of Spain) and currently serves on the Board as a President.

#06 Guided Tour : Prof. Michael F. Rohde "LEDs – INSPIRED BY SUNLIGHT"
- L-Plan Lighting Design, Berlin | | University of Wismar
- "There is a LED manufacturer claiming that they got the so-called SunLike Series, inspired by sunlight! SunLike Series are supposed to have a natural spectrum taken from day- or sunlight! A quote from Seoul Semiconductors: SunLike LEDs return light to its natural state. Is this a true story, or a simple marketing gag? The tour will also explore the quality status of other LED manufacturers and their point of view on spectrum and flickerfree, artificial light." Prof. Michael F. Rohde
Visited booths:
KKDC | Soraa | EldoLED | Seoul Semiconductor | Citizen LED | Xicato | Led Engin
Prof. Michael F. Rohde – Impressions
Michael completed his studies of architecture at Karlsruhe University. After three years of practice as an architect, he acquired a Master of Science degree in “Light & Lighting” at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, Great Britain. In 1998, he founded L-Plan Lighting Design an independent lighting design practice in Berlin. He has wide experience for lighting in all areas of artificial and daylighting design. Since September 2006, Michael F. Rohde, has been teaching and researching as a Professor of Architectural Lighting Design and Architecture at the University of Technology, Business and Design, Wismar, Germany.

#07 Guided Tour : Michael and Iris Podgorschek "In the Paradise of Light"
- podpod design, Vienna |
- "podpod design, always in search of new luminaires with special optics and features, guides you to the most interesting tools for lighting designers at Light & Building" Michael and Iris Podgorschek
Visited booths:
EWO | Bartenbach | Willy Meyer + Sohn | DGA | Prolicht | Targetti | Viabizzuno | iGuzzini | Davide Groppi | Vibia
Michael and Iris Podgorschek – Impressions
Mag. Art Micheal Podgorschek | CEO | * 1957 in Vienna | 1984 Diploma at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, master class for industrial design under the supervision of Hans Hollein, Ettore Sottsass, Mario Bellini and Alessandro Mendini | 1984-1993 Collaboration at the architect’s offices Arch. Hermann Czech (Café Schwarzenberg) and Arch. Alfred Podgorschek (SMZOst – Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost, Donauspital/ Hospital Danube Vienna). 1994 Foundation of podpod design. 2008 ON-certified light engineer for outdoor and indoor lighting | Member of Design Austria, Member of the LTG working team for outdoor lighting.
Mag. Art Iris Podgorschek | CEO | * 1964 in Vienna | 1991 Diploma at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, master class for industrial design under the supervision of Allesandro Mendini, Richard Supper, Hermann Czech, and Paolo Piva (with distinction) | 1994 Foundation of podpod design | 2000 Birth of daughter Nuria | 2008 ON-certified light engineer for outdoor and indoor lighting | Member of Design Austria, Member of the LTG working team for outdoor lighting

#08 Guided Tour : Daniel Tschudy "Spatial effect and space dramaturgy due to hidden lighting fixtures"
- Bartenbach, Zurich |
- "Strong lighting concepts seem to be most of the time simple and focused on dramaturgy of space and spatial effects. Therefore we will look at products covering the basics in spatial appearance unpretentious and elegant without furnishing the room or appearing attached. Architecture is considered to impress and work for itself. Everything additional will be furniture or atmospheric ambiance lighting. The topic will be to find out the possibilities in different criterias like the design of the product itself, the CRI, changing the color temparature or the exact lighting distribution. Since LED is a common lighting source, the development and benefit of new products enlarges the bow of excitement.“ Daniel Tschudy
Visited booths:
O/M | Led Linear | Illuxtron International | Dydell | Heper + Moonlight Aydinlatma | Kreon | XAL | Buck | Prolicht | Apure Architectural Lighting
Daniel Tschudy – Impressions
Based in Zurich, Daniel Tschudy started his career in lighting design after his studies in architecture at the ETH Zurich. He won the competition for the National Museum in Warszawie for a new day- and artificial lighting concept in 1991. During the following years, he acted as a member of the board in a big engineering company and established the lighting design department. As board member within the Swiss Lighting Society, he also participated and shaped the european standards in lighting like daylight, energy efficiency and chronobiology. As a lecturer at the ETHZ and teacher in several lighting building formats he processed and developed education in lighting design in Switzerland. After two years as a CEO for Reflexion AG, a lighting design company based in Zurich, he changed to the more progressive, evolved, innovative and international company Bartenbach GmbH based in Innsbruck.
Daniel Tschudy is clearly focussed in architectural space, material, image building and dramaturgy of spatial environments within strong concepts in a holistic sense due to appearence, perception and implementation.

#09 Guided Tour : Birgit Walter "Light & Darkness"
- BMLD, Barcelona |
- "We perceive space through light. In order to create an artifical lighting scheme for any type of space a delicate balance between light & darkeness needs to be designed. We will explore the necessary tools and products that can lead us to a succesful design, both technical and decorative." Birgit Walter
Visited booths:
Led Linear | Soraa | Viabizzuno | iGuzzini | Regent | Ingo Maurer | Davide Groppi | Vibia
Birgit Walter – Impressions
Birgit Walter started her lighting design career over 20 years ago in New York City and since then has worked on outstanding projects from around the world, including: urban masterplans, landscape, hospitality, retail, museum and exhibitions spaces, among others. In 2001 Birgit founded BMLD, an independent lighting design studio established in Barcelona, which bases its work on the search for the distinctive creativity within each project, accompanied by its maximum technical rigor. Additionally, in the field of teaching, she has been Co-director and Professor of the Postgraduate and Master Program in Lighting Design at the Polytechnical University of Barcelona (UPC) between 2010 and 2016, she also gives lectures and is being published regularly. Birgit is currently teaching at the Posgraduate program in Elisava, Privatre Perimeters and in IED’s Master in Commercial Spaces. Birgit is a member of the IALD, International Association of Lighting Designers, and has been a cofounder of the Spanish Lighting Design Association APDI.

#10 Guided Tour : Thomas Geuder & Martina Metzner "Highlights"
- World-Architects, Zürich |
- Architects, interior designers, planners, designers and interested people explored the most important highlights at the Light + Building trade fair together with the two specialist journalists, Martina Metzner and Thomas Geuder, and subsequently recall the exciting trade fair days with them.
Visited booths:
digitalstrom | Seoul Semiconductor | Jung | Gira | Insta | Brumberg | Selux | Delta Light | Flos | Artemide | Erco | XAL | Philips | Osram | Georg Bechter Licht | Brokis | Ingo Maurer | Sattler | Vibia
Martina Metzner & Thomas Geuder – Impressions
Martina Metzner – After working at TextilWirtschaft and Stylepark, Martina Metzner is now active as a freelance design journalist in Frankfurt / Main. In addition to her sure feeling for "good goods" in the sense of Wilhelm Wagenfeld, she is equally enthusiastic about modern art and her hometown.
Thomas Geuder – As a specialist journalist for architecture and construction, Thomas Geuder is active in writing, moderating and counselling. After completing his architecture studies at the University of Karlsruhe with Professor Arno Lederer, he had various jobs at renowned architecture publishers. With his network "Der Raumjournalist" he brings together people who are active in the building industry. Since 2015, he has also been running the Stuttgart-based Forum for People, Culture and Architecture "Die Raumgalerie". For German-Architects he has been active since 2012, as part of the eMagazin editorial team and the trade fair team.
Luminale Tours
- Guide: Thomas Geuder
- World-Architects, Stuttgart/Zürich
- with Thomas Geuder organized Luminale Tours for architects, lighting designers and light enthusiasts from March 18 to 22, 8.00 pm - 10.00 pm. Each of them showed highlights at Luminale, the 9th Edition of the Festival.
Martina Metzner & Thomas Geuder – Impressions
Martina Metzner – After working at TextilWirtschaft and Stylepark, Martina Metzner is now active as a freelance design journalist in Frankfurt / Main. In addition to her sure feeling for "good goods" in the sense of Wilhelm Wagenfeld, she is equally enthusiastic about modern art and her hometown.
Day 1
Day 2
Trade fair retrospective
Sechs Tage lang waren in Frankfurt am Main die Tore wieder geöffnet für die Player der Bereiche Licht, Elektrotechnik und Haus- und Gebäudeautomation. Es waren sechs rauschende Tage, die fast nur zufriedene Besucher wie Aussteller zurückgelassen haben. Das liegt nicht zuletzt am digitalen Wandel, der den Branchen sichtlich Freude bereitet. Unser Messerückblick.
Unser Messerückblick