Domotex 2019 - The World of Flooring - Impressions
Free Guided Tours with 9 Architects, Designers and Journalists – in cooperation with Deutsche Messe World-Architects organized 8 DOMOTEX Guided Tours featuring CREATE'N'CONNECT with Susanne Schmidhuber, Hendrik Müller, Prof. Peter Greenberg, Martina Metzner, Roland Bondzio & Petra Wollenberg, Polina Goldberg, NuThinkers and Thomas Geuder. Each of them showed the highlights of DOMOTEX 2019, the leading trade fair for floor coverings. The tours held in german and english, started at Special Area „Framing Trends“ Hall 9 | C26 and lasted approximately 2 hours.
Domotex Impressions 2019

#01 Guided Tour : Susanne Schmidhuber
- Susanne Schmidhuber, SCHMIDHUBER, München |
Visited booths:
Art Resources Ltd. | Creative Matters Inc. | Fletco Carpets A/S | Galleria Battilossi S.A.S. | Hossein Rezvani Design OHG | M.A. Trading, Inc. | Paulig Teppichweberei GmbH | Rug Star GmbH | Stefany Hali Tekstil San. ve | The Rug Republic (Sharda) | Tisca-Textil GmbH & Co. KG | Visionme GmbH | Wool and Silk LLC | Zollanvari AG
CV Susanne Schmidhuber
Susanne Schmidhuber hat den Blick fürs Ganze. Nie still stehen und immer neue Impulse setzen ist ihr Credo, das das Büro seit jeher ausmacht. Nach dem Studium der Innarchitektur gründet sie 1984 zusammen mit Prof. Klaus Schmidhuber das Büro Schmidhuber+Partner, heute SCHMIDHUBER. Den Gedanken von Marketing orientierter Architektur in Verbindung mit Kommunikation trägt sie in vielschichtiger Weise nach außen. In zahlreichen Vorträgen begeistert sie ihre Zuhörer, in umfangreicher Jurytätigkeit ist sie eine geschätzte Stimme, in der Projektarbeit sind ihre Kreativität und Erfahrung eine wichtige Konstante.

#02 Guided Tour : Hendrik Müller
- 1zu33, München |
Visited booths:
André Vernier & Fils S.A. | Balsan S.A. | Brink & Campman BV | Falquon GmbH | Fetim B.V. | Fletco Carpets A/S | Li & Co. AG | Oriental Weavers Hospitality | Wool and Silk LLC
CV Hendik Müller
Hendrik is founder and managing partner of einszu33 together with Georg Thiersch. Born 1973 in Böblingen, he studied architecture and design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart between 1994 and 2001. Among his teachers was Sir David Chipperfield, who had a lasting influence on his further development as an architect. In 1999, during his studies, he founded the studio einszu33 in Stuttgart. 2001 he took a position at the Technical University Munich as an assistant to the British architect Richard Horden. Since then, he has been living and working in Munich. In addition to numerous lectures and talks he has given in Germany and abroad over the last years, he was granted membership to the Art Director's Club Germany. In 2017, Hendrik was appointed visiting professor at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.

#03 Guided Tour : Prof. Peter Greenberg
- ester bruzkus architekten |
Visited booths:
Art Resources Ltd. | Creative Matters Inc. | De Poortere Deco SA | EDELGRUND GmbH | Fletco Carpets A/S | Galleria Battilossi S.A.S. | Hossein Rezvani Design OHG | Paulig Teppichweberei GmbH | Rug Star GmbH | Stefany Hali Tekstil San. ve | The Rug Republic (Sharda) | Tisca-Textil GmbH & Co. KG | Wool and Silk LLC | Zollanvari AG
CV Peter Greenberg
Peter Greenberg M.Arch, RA, NCIDQ, LEED AP is Partner at Ester Bruzkus Architekten (Berlin), an architecture and interior design practice with global ties: Berlin, Boston, Tel Aviv, Paris, Dubai, Moscow, New York. Mr. Greenberg has worked with Ester Bruzkus since 2016 and has extensive experience with design at many scales: from the design of tables and furniture to exquisite residences and workspaces to international theatres, restaurants and hotels. Current projects include the conversion of a villa and garden in Spain and restaurants and workplaces in Germany.
Mr. Greenberg is also Associate Professor of Interior Design at Wentworth Institute of Technology (Boston) in the College of Architecture, Design, and Construction Management. He teaches design studios and technical courses that focus on materials, detailing, building systems, structure, theory and history. Since 2016 he has coordinated and has taught the design studio program in Berlin. The focus of his scholarship explores how material assemblies express design intent and how an interdisciplinary theory of interiority explains dialogue and embeddedness in design. Prior to teaching at Wentworth, Mr. Greenberg taught at the University of Texas at Austin, the Boston Architectural College, and Harvard University in Cambridge (USA). Mr. Greenberg is a frequent presenter at design conferences where he shares his thoughts on theory, pedagogy, and design.
Before joining Ester Bruzkus Architekten, Mr. Greenberg led GREENBERGDESIGNLLC (Cambridge USA), where major clients have been Harvard University, the WGBH Educational Foundation, and the Beth El Temple Center in Belmont MA. Before founding the firm in 2005, Mr. Greenberg was Senior Associate at Robert Luchetti Associates in Cambridge MA where he was responsible for many projects including workplace designs for the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and WGBH Boston; comprehensive interiors for the American University in Cairo and many private residences. Other major clients have included: Fidelity Investments, Wainwright Bank, the Boston Consulting Group, Bank of America and GTE. Mr. Greenberg has designed, and holds patents for, furniture systems for Steelcase, Fidelity Investments and the American University in Cairo.
He received his Masters of Architecture from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design and graduated cum laude with Distinction in Architecture from Yale University where he also studied philosophy and the history of art. He is a licensed architect in Massachusetts and New York (USA) and holds the NCIDQ and LEED qualifications.

#04 Guided Tour : Thomas Geuder
Visited booths:
Paulig Teppichweberei GmbH | Tisca-Textil GmbH & Co. KG | Rug Star GmbH | Zollanvari AG | De Poortere Deco SA | AndréVernier & Fils S.A. | M.A. Trading, Inc. | Boyteks Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.S. | Flair Flooring Supplies Ltd.

#05 Guided Tour : Martina Metzner
- abaut - editorial office for design and architecture, Frankfurt am Main |
Visited booths:
Amorim Revestimentos S.A. | Aquafil S.p.A. | BJELIN Sweden AB | EDELGRUND GmbH | ESIGN Software GmbH | Fletco Carpets A/S | Leap Tools Inc. | Paulig Teppichweberei GmbH | Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. | SWISS KRONO Tec AG | Visionme GmbH
CV Martina Metzner
For Martina Metzner good design and sustainability are not separate concepts, but rather interconnected - and apart from her fascination for textiles, a central motif of her journalistic work. After ten years at TextilWirtschaft and Stylepark she is now working as an independent author and trend scout. Her features could be found at German Architects, Interior Fashion and Stylepark among others. With Raumprobe in Stuttgart she teams up for the Materialreport - an annual review of upcoming materials and colors for design and architecture. In her free time, Martina supports PIER F - a platform for sustainable architecture in Frankfurt am Main.

#06 Guided Tour : Roland Bondzio & Petra Wollenberg
- behet bondzio lin architekten, Münster |
- lwa Leyk Wollenberg Architekten |
Visited booths:
Beaulieu International Group NV | Best Wool Carpets B.V. | EDELGRUND GmbH | Flair Flooring Supplies Ltd. | Hossein Rezvani Design OHG | Osta Carpets N.V. | Paulig Teppichweberei GmbH | Stefany Hali Tekstil San. ve | The Rug Republic (Sharda) | Tisca-Textil GmbH & Co. KG
CV Petra Wollenberg & Roland Bondzio
Prof. Petra Wollenberg
1995 Diplom an der TU Braunschweig bei Prof. Gerhard Auer. Von 1990 – 91 Studium an der ETSAB. 1996 – 1999 Projektleitung und Wettbewerbsbearbeitung in den Büros Springer Architekten und Bernd Albers in Berlin. 2000 Gründung leyk wollenberg architekten.
1999 – 2005 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Städtebau an der TU Braunschweig. 2005 - 2008 Dozentin für Architektur und Städtebau, Professur für Architektur und Städtebau, ETH Zürich. 2009 – 2011 Professorin für Entwerfen und Städtebau, Hochschule Lausitz. Seit 2015 Professorin für Entwerfen, Entwurfstheorie und Entwerfen im Städtebaulichen Kontext, Fachhochschule Erfurt. 2013 Berufung in den BDA Berlin, seit 2018 Mitglied des Vorstands des BDA Sachsen.
Roland Bondzio
1997 Diplom an der TU Braunschweig bei Prof. Meinhard von Gerkan. Von 1993 – 95 Studium an der ETSAB und Werkstudent bei Prof. Enric Miralles in Barcelona. 1997 – 2000 Projektleitung und Wettbewerbsbearbeitung im Büro Bolles + Wilson in Münster. 2000 Gründung behet+bondzio architekten, parallel Tätigkeit als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Entwerfen und Konstruieren an der Universität Hannover. Seit 2003 behet bondzio lin architekten mit Standorten in Münster, Leipzig und Taichung.
2005 Berufung in den BDA Leipzig, seit 2015 Mitglied des Vorstands des BDA Münster-Münsterland. Seit 2014 Vorsitzender des Gestaltungsbeirats der Stadt Greven. Zwischen 2012 – 2017 Lehraufträge an der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau und an der Münster School of Architecture für Entwurf und Konstruktion.

#07 Guided Tour : Polina Goldberg
- Tchoban Voss Architekten, Berlin |
Visited booths:
Amorim Revestimentos S.A. | BJELIN Sweden AB | Brink & Campman BV | Creative Matters Inc. | De Poortere Deco SA | Galleria Battilossi S.A.S. | Hossein Rezvani Design OHG | M.A. Trading, Inc. | Mapei GmbH | Parchettificio Garbelotto srl. | Visionme GmbH | Zollanvari AG
CV Polina Goldberg
Architektur, Stadt und Sprache – diese Verbindung stand für Polina Goldberg schon im Studium fest, als sie bei der Architekturzeitschrift ARCH+ zu arbeiten begann. Ebenso gern organisierte sie Ausstellungen und Events zu diesem Thema. Nach dem Studium der Stadtplanung an der Technischen Universität Berlin und am Institut Français d’Urbanisme in Paris arbeitete sie in Baunetz-Redaktion und schrieb zu zahlreichen Themen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Architektur und Kunst.
Seit drei Jahren managt Polina Goldberg die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für das Architekturbüro TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten.

#08 Guided Tour : NuThinkers
- NuThinkers Prof. Klaus Teltenkötter + Students
Visited booths:
EDELGRUND GmbH | Hossein Rezvani Design OHG | Jaipur Rugs | Rug Star GmbH | Wool and Silk LLC | Zollanvari AG
NuThinkers Guided Tour zu Exponaten der Hochschulen Wismar, Trier und Detmold zum Leitthema CREATE'N'CONNECT und anschließendem Besuch ausgewählter Aussteller.