Heimtextil 2019 - The new Heimtextil - Impressions
January 8 Tours

#01 Guided Tour : Oliver Heß «Heimtextilien - die dritte Haut des Menschen»
- Oliver Heß - Textildesigner, Krefeld
Visited booths:
Tretford | Toucan-T Carpet Manufacture | Trevira | Getzner | Hollandfelt | Norafin / Organoids | Rasch Textil | Paulig | JAB Josef Anstoetz KG | Baumann Dekor Ges.m.b.H
CV Oliver Heß
Never stop learning – Oliver Heß absolvierte Ende der 1990er-Jahre sein Studium der Textiltechnick (Dipl. Ing. FH) mit dem Schwerpunkt Textilgestaltung an der Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach. Er arbeitete zunächst als Textildesigner für einen deutschen Bettwäscheanbieter in Süddeutschland, um dann zu einem internationalen Modekonzern im Raum Düsseldorf zu wechseln, bei dem er 18 Jahre in verschiedenen Positionen tätig war. Sein Antrieb ist stets der Anspruch an bestmögliche Qualität, denn 'no detail is small'. Nach 20 Jahren kehrte er 2017 an seine Hochschule zurück. Dort ist er als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung (FTB) tätig. In diesem Zusammenhang begann er sein Masterstudium Textile Produkte mit dem Schwerpunkt Design.

#02 Guided Tour : Jana Vonofakos «between shot and chain»
- VRAI interior architecture, Frankfurt | www.vrai.de
Visited booths:
Trevira | Feathr Oy (NOR) | Vescom B.V. | Arte | WELTER Manufaktur für Wandunikate | Architects paper | Saum und Viebahn | Cabs | House of Textile
CV Jana Vonofakos
Jana Vonofakos is the founder of the interior design studio VRAI interior architecture in Frankfurt. VRAI is specialized in customized design for a range of clients. Jana Vonofakos and her team are mostly working for international hotel chains or small private luxury hotels, as well as upscale residences and office space. After studying interior architecture, Jana Vonofakos worked for a well-known design studio in Hamburg, Germany, between 2005 and 2015, specialized in hospitality design. As a project manager she looked after customers such as Hilton, Rezidor, Starwood, Kempinski and Accor. Her projects were located mostly in Europe, but also in Russia, China and the United Arab Emirates. Working for international brands sharpened her view of cultural differences and requirements. Besides hospitality design, Jana Vonofakos was also in charge of different retail projects, such as the flagship store for the world-famous confectionary brand Niederegger and showrooms for the crystal jewelry brand Swarovski. In 2015 Jana Vonofakos founded her own interior design studio in central Frankfurt. Together with four colleagues she is working for international brands like Radisson BLU, Moxy Hotels or Marriott Hotels, as well as privately owned hotels and residences. Jana Vonofakos is a member of the chamber of architects in Hessen, Germany. As a member of the BDIA she is active on the board of the federal state of Hessen, working on youth development.
January 9 Tours

#03 Guided Tour : Susanne Brandherm «...ein Spektrum von Texturen...»
- bki brandherm und krumrey interior architecture, Köln/Hamburg | www.b-k-i.de
Visited booths:
Tretford | Gerriets | IIIIK INTO Oy | Leolori | Arte | Omexco | Vescom B.V. | Paulig | Ehrlich Leder Handelsges. mbH | Cabs | House of Textile
CV Susanne Brandherm
Susanne Brandherm studierte Innenarchitektur an der Fachhochschule Detmold. Nach verschiedenen Stationen in Kölner Innenarchitekturbüros gründete sie 1999 zusammen mit Sabine Krumrey das Büro brandherm + krumrey interior architecture, dessen Standort in Köln von ihr geleitet wird. Für ihre Arbeit wurde Susanne Brandherm 2013 mit dem INsider Award ausgezeichnet. Neben ihrer gestalterischen Tätigkeit lehrte sie von 2013 bis 2015 an der Hochschule Trier. Seit 2012 ist sie Mitglied des Kuratoriums der Messe architect@work Germany, seit 2016 Jurymitglied beim German Design Award. Susanne Brandherm ist seit 2002 Vorstand der Karl Bröcker Stiftung „Zukunft für Kinder“.

#04 Guided Tour : Klaus de Winder «Textiles in the creation of space»
- de Winder Architekten, Berlin | www.dewinder.de
Visited booths:
Serge Ferrari Deutschland GmbH | Getzner | Gerriets | Stieger | Spandauer Velours | Hollandfelt | WELTER Manufaktur für Wandunikate | Marburger Tapetenfabrik | Arte | Omexco | organoids | Cabs | House of Textile
CV Klaus de Winder
Graduate architect (Member: Berlin Chamber of Architects). Born in Nordhorn, Germany. He has worked as a freelance architect since 1991. Involvement in the founding of the Potsdam University architectureprojects such as the Munster Technology Centre with Bolles + Wilson and the multiple award-winning Photonics Centre with sauerbruch hutton architects. Since 1999, he and his wife, Claudia de Winder, have led their own office de Winder Architects in Berlin with an emphasis on office design for prominent new economy enterprises, law firms and the consulting industry.
January 10 Tour

#05 Guided Tour : Lisa Pavitschitz
CV Lisa Pavitschitz
Lisa Pavitschitz completed her studies of interior architecture in St.Pölten. She then lived her passion for design by working at offices in Vienna, St. Pölten and Munich where she held a range of responsibilities. By continuously looking for new challenges and interdisciplinary experiences she finally found herself in the event industry. Since May 2017 she is responsible for the planning of various events for a creative meeting location based in Munich.
January 11 Tour

#06 Guided Tour : Martina Metzner «Weshalb wir Stoffe brauchen»
- abaut - editorial office for design and architecture, Frankfurt am Main | www.abaut.net
Visited booths:
Aquafil | Gerriets | Spandauer Velours | FIDIVI (IT) | Serge Ferrari Deutschland GmbH | WELTER Manufaktur für Wandunikate | organoids | Vescom B.V.
CV Martina Metzner
Martina Metzner ist nach Stationen bei der TextilWirtschaft und Stylepark als freie Design-Journalistin aktiv. Mit Beiträgen für Interior Fashion, German Architects und als neuer Kopf hinter dem materialREPORT analysiert sie das Geschehen auf dem internationalen Designparkett und hat durch ihre interdisziplinäre Perspektive immer den Blick fürs Ganze.

Heimtextil 2019 Follow-up Report
DOMOTEX Guided Tours 2019
Impressions Heimtextil 2019 (Duration: 3:29 min.)- Feedback and requests
- Peter Petz | [email protected]